About me
Get to know me
My overall objective is to create beautiful and well-functioning interior design. The office design should support company identity, enhance job satisfaction for employees and make use of the rooms’ full potentials. I find uniqueness in every project connecting design to company identity.
I am educated interior architect, from The Royal Danish Academy of fine Arts, in Copenhagen, and also a Feng Shui specialist from London School of Feng Shui.
Whether the project is a hospital located in Copenhagen, a shipping company in the province, or a luxury villa in Shanghai the basic focus is the same: The customer and the customer’s needs! With that in mind I always develop my projects in close co-operation with the customer. This is true from the first interiordraft to final choices of colour, fabrics, material and illumination.
Primarily, I work in Denmark, but over the years I have also performed a great deal of international jobs, e.g. in China. My international work has made me aware of the unique ability we have in Denmark to produce things that hold many qualities: They are beautiful, simple, timeless and functional.
Min målsætning er at skabe smukke velfungerende indretninger. Virksomhedens identitet og medarbejdernes trivsel skal underbygges af indretningen og husets potentiale skal udnyttes fuldt ud. Jeg fremkalder det særlige i hvert projekt, så indretningen hænger tæt sammen med firmaets design identitet.
Jeg dækker hele det faglige spektrum, der har med indretning og tilhørende ydelser at gøre. Lige fra ide, skitse og videre til det færdige projekt. Mine kompetencer og specialviden udvikles løbende i et tæt samarbejde med danske og udenlandske leverandører og i andre tværfaglige samarbejder.